Abstract :
The title of the research is "The Implementation of Non Cash Food Assistance Policy (BPNT) in Sukabumi City (Case Study in Citamiang District). Legal basis for the implementation of Non Cash Food Assistance is Social Ministry Regulation number 11 Year 2017 about Non Cash Food Assistance Distribution. Several problems were found during the impelementation of BPNT namely the recipients who were not on target, lack of manpower, unstable natural resources, disobedience implementers, and the absence of communication among related departments.
The theories applied were Van Meter's and Van Horn's. The research was aimed at determining the implementation of Non Cash Food Assistance in Citamiang District Sukabumi City by means qualitative descriptive research method. The data were obtained from observation, interview, documentation and literature review.
The result shows that the imllementation of non cash food assistance policy in Citamiang District Sukabumi City has not been running in accordance with the apllicable rules as seen from unachieved measurement and purpose of the policy, lack of human resources, chaotic budget source, implementers characteristic for not knowing BPNT rules, and the absence of communication among related department. Reseracher suggest that implementers shall know about is Social Ministry Regulation Number 11 Year 2017 so that the program can be impelemented accordingly in line with the applicable rules.