Abstract :
This research is entitled Social Inequality in Hard Times Novel by Charles Dickens. This research aims at describing the social inequalities in the Hard Times novel. The object of this research is Hard Times Novel by Charles Dickens. The social inequality theory used was theory according to Tilly (1998), Kerbo (2000), and Soekanto (1986). The research method applied was a descriptive method according to Nazir (2005). The approach used in this research is sociological approach to literature according to Wellek dan Warren (1989), and the data collection technique used were reading and writing techniques. The results of this study shows that there are 32 data consisting of a social inequalities representation based on the appearance of the characters, the profession, the facilities, the food, the education, and the justice. Then the impact of social inequality in Hard Times novel is social jealousy, the gap between the rich and the poor characters, the discrimination, the rebellion, and the crime.