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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Suhendar, Pandu Agustian
L Education (General) 
2019-10-04 02:01:27 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the development of Sukabumi City futsal achievements and the role of coaches, players and also the management / management of Sukabumi City futsal in West Java PORDA in 2018. The technique of taking research subjects or informants used was purposive sampling, with the following criteria: 1) The informants were included in the Sukabumi City futsal team. 2) The informant has participated in the West Java PORDA event more than once. 3) The informant is a person who is considered to be in power, such as the Head Coach, Captain, and also the chairman of the Management / Management of the Sukabumi City futsal team. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation, and the data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman method, namely reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions. In the end, checking the validity of the data used is source triangulation. From the three informants, it is known that one of the informants became the source triangulation was Asep M. Sopyan, because he has a background as one of the people who introduced futsal in Sukabumi City. The results of the study are as follows; 1) Not yet maximal futsal achievement Sukabumi City in West Java PORDA in 2018. 2) Lack of training equipment causes the training process to be disrupted. 3) Only a few players can apply the results of the training during the match. This is a result of the players never completing the training process. 4) The issue of canceling the departure of the Sukabumi City futsal team to PORDA West Java in 2018 by the local government made the process of carrying out the training stalled. 5) Lack of attention from the government from a psychological and financial perspective to the Sukabumi City futsal team. 6) There is no clear written program or practice that most likely the program will be changed in the next West Java PORDA event. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi