Kontribusi Perempuan Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Kawasan Metropolitan Gerbangkertosusila Tahun 2017-2020
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Cahyaningrum, Ella Anjani
, Muhammad Arif, SE. MEc. Dev
HC Economic Development 
2022-05-21 04:04:45 
Abstract :
Gender equality is a national strategic issue related to the implementation of Pancasila's fifth precept, namely social justice for all Indonesian people. In this case, the state must be able to ensure all community groups can be involved in the process and feel the results of development. Gender Mainstreaming (GM) can be a strategy to achieve gender equality and justice. The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of the Number of Female Civil Servants, Women's Involvement in Parliament, the Average Length of Women' Schools, the Gender Empowerment Index, and the Gender Development Index on Economic Growth in the Gerbangkertosusila Metropolitan Area in 2017-2020. Panel data regression analysis is used as a research tool. The results of this study showed that the number of female civil servants, the average length of women?s schools and gender empowerment index had a significant effect on economic growth. Meanwhile, women's involvement in parliament and gender development index do not affect economic growth. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta