Hubungan Tingkat Stres Dengan Strategi Koping Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di Puskesmas Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nastiti, Dewi
, Dr. Fahrun Nur Rosyid, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes
R Medicine (General) 
2022-05-23 00:38:17 
Abstract :
Background : The high level of stress experienced by people with diabetes mellitus and the number of patients with diabetes mellitus who adopt maladaptive coping strategies can increase the risk of complications and lead to poor therapeutic management for people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Purpose : To determine the relationship of stress levels with coping strategies in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Puskesmas Kartasura Sukoharjo regency. Methods : This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The number of samples as many as 66 respondents with consecutive sampling technique. The data set used a scale-21 stress anxiety depression questionnaire (DASS-21) and a short questionnaire coping inventory. Data analysis using chi square test with p < 0.05. Results : Most respondents (30.3%) had mild stress levels and most respondents (57.6%) adopted maladaptive coping strategies. Chi square test results stated that there is a relationship between stress levels and coping strategies in patients with diabetes mellitus (p = 0.024). Conclusion and Suggestion : Conclusion in this study there is a significant relationship between stress levels with coping strategies in patients with diabetes mellitus in Puskesmas Kartasura Sukoharjo regency. It is recommended to health workers to educate and motivate patients with diabetes mellitus in order to adopt adaptive coping strategies so that the level of stress experienced decreases. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta