Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Billah, Septiana Salasa
, Siti Aisyah, SE., M.Si.
X General Subject
2022-05-21 07:25:31
Abstract :
Competitiveness is very important for commodities or industries in today's free market era. At the present time the international market conditions have entered the era of globalization which in turn increases the level of competition in international trade. This condition requires all producing countries to increase the total export value and export volume of their products, including Indonesia in order to be able to compete strongly in the international trade market. This study aims to determine the competitiveness of Indonesian iron and steel in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, India and the United Arab Emirates and to estimate the effect of GDP per capita, exchange rate, population, inflation and production on Indonesian iron and steel exports. This study uses quantitative secondary data on a time series from 2012-2020 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), World Bank and Trademap. The analytical tool used is panel data analysis. The results of the analysis show that Indonesia's iron and steel commodities have a comparative advantage and strong competitiveness every year and every market. The competitive position with the highest average comparative advantage is in Australia with an average RCA of 10.18. Variables Inflation of destination countries and Indonesia's iron and steel production have an influence on Indonesia's exports of iron and steel commodities, while GDP per capita of destination countries, population of destination countries and exchange rates of destination countries have no effect on exports of Indonesian iron and steel commodities during the period 2012-2020.