Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Azmi, Lia Ulul
, Dr. Mutohharun Jinan, M.Ag
BA11 Pendidikan Agama Islam
2022-05-23 06:55:23
Abstract :
Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School is a foundation or institution which is widely available as a place to memorize the Qur'an and of course focuses on the sciences of the Qur'an. The spread of Islamic boarding schools throughout
Indonesia makes other boarding schools try to provide good teachings and adequate facilities. PPTQ Al-Hikmah is a boarding school that has recently been established
and is headquartered at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo, but has been able to develop well and is known by the wider community. This study was conducted to find out what educational strategies for memorizing the Qur'an are used in the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School,
Al-Hikmah Sukoharjo. So that it can be well known by the wider community. As well as researching various obstacles and support factors that are passed by the students when memorizing the Qur'an at the cottage. With the hope of being able to face everything that will be passed by each student.
This research uses a type of field research that is carried out somewhere, outside the practice room and library. With the process of observing how the conditions at PPTQ Al-Hikmah are and conducting several interviews, documentation and direct observations by the cottage concerned. The approach used by the researcher is a phenomenological approach, which is done by observing the phenomena that are happening in the PPTQ Al-Hikmah environment. The data
validity technique used is triangulation which is done by utilizing something outside the data for checking or as a comparison of the data that has been obtained. While the data analysis uses data reduction by summarizing and selecting the main things and focusing on the important things according to the topics discussed, then presenting the data in the form of an arrangement of information that provides conclusions and taking action, the last is drawing conclusions that can answer all problem formulations. that has been set from the start. The strategies formed by PPTQ Al-Hikmah include holding juziyah every month, holding quarantine for students who have not completed their
memorization, applying the method, and holding joint rihlah. Factors that affect the inhibition of memorization include: not being able to read the Qur'an properly, unstable heart and mind conditions. For the supporters are adequate memorization places, good and correct reading of the Qur'an, motivation from parents and family.