Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring Pada Mata Pelajaran Pai Dan Budi Pekerti Kelas XII Pada Masa Pandemi Di SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Pratama, Ismu
, Drs. Zaenal Abidin, M.Pd
BA11 Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-05-21 08:34:36 
Abstract :
countries affected by the Corona virus or covid-19, this virus has caused a pandemic and has also made several countries around the world to lock down or close access in an area, both access to enter and exit from an area. Activities that are carried out outside the home are now carried out indoors or WFH (work from home). This also has an impact on the field of education and the learning process. The learning process that is usually done face-to-face has now become online learning. At SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo also implemented this online learning according to government regulations to break the chain of the Covid-19 virus, especially in Sukoharjo Regency. This online learning uses media such as Zoom Meeting, Youtube, Google Classroom, and Whatsapp in delivering material. This study has the objectives to, (1) determine the implementation of online learning in PAI subjects and class XII character during the pandemic at SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo. (2) to find out what are the obstacles in the Implementation of Online Learning in the Subjects of Islamic Education and Character Class XII during the Pandemic Period at SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This research is qualitative in nature, taking place at SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo with the subjects of the Principal, PAI Subject Teachers and Budi Pekerti class XII, and class XII students. The process of collecting this data is done by interview, documentation, and observation. While the data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification. In order to ensure the validity of the data obtained, this is done by triangulation of sources and triangulation of methods. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of online learning on PAI subjects and class XII character during the pandemic at SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo has gone quite well with some preparations that have been made, the implementation of online learning which begins with preparations made by teachers by making several learning tools such as Syllabus, Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), Annual Programs, and Semester Programs which are made at the beginning of the learning year. Then in the evaluation, students get scores from several assignments that have been submitted by PAI subject teachers and Budi Pekerti and after that the stage of assessing the skills and activeness of students in participating in online learning which is adjusted to the revised 2013 curriculum in the implementation of online learning at SMK Negeri 5 Sukoharjo experienced several obstacles that hindered the smoothness of the online learning process including the condition of the internet network which sometimes experienced problems or errors, learning devices owned by some students were not supportive, internet package problems, boredom experienced by students and also the lack of clarity in the delivery of material. because it is not done face to face. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta