Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Iffada, Salsabillah Ansafa
, Abi Muhlisin, SKM, M.Kep
R Medicine (General)
2022-05-21 08:02:10
Abstract :
Background: Perilaku self management is one of the cornerstones of treating type II diabetes melitus, therefore every important effort is carried out by all people who suffer from type II diabetes melitus care to support blood sugar monitoring as part of a perilaku self management strategy. Objective: This study was to determine the relationship between self-management behavior and blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes melitus at the Purwoharjo Health Center. Methods: This study uses a quantitative method with descriptive0correlational with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out at the Purwoharjo Health Center as many as 46 respondents. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The criteria for the sample of respondents are people with type II diabetes melitus as members of PROLANIS (Chronic Disease Management Program) at Purwoharjo Health Center, willing to become respondents by signing informed consent and being able to communicate well. The research instrument used the DSMQ (Diabetes Perilaku self management Questionnaire) developed by the Research Institute of Diabetes Academy Mergentheim from Schmitt. Results: The study showed that the majority of the characteristics of people with type 2 diabetes melitus at the Purwoharjo Health Center were female, with an age group of 56-65 years old (Lansia), no education, no work, and 3 years of suffering. Furthermore, based on statistical analysis using the Spearman rank test, a p value of 0.001 was obtained where the value was <0.05 so Ho was rejected, meaning that there was a relationship between self-management behavior and blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes melitus at the Purwoharjo Health Center.