Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Wijayanti, Yuni
-, Prof. Dr. Anam Sutopo,M.Hum
-, Dr. Anatri Desstya,ST,M.Pd
L Education (General)
2022-05-24 06:31:50
Abstract :
This study aims to describe the management of school principals in developing teacher personality competencies in SD Muhammadiyah Special Program Rabbani Karanganom. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with an ethnographic design. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and document studies. Data analysis went through four stages, namely data search, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data validity was obtained through data collection triangulation, data source triangulation, and data checking triangulation. The research location is in SD Muhammadiyah Rabbani Karanganom Special Program, with the informants being the Principal, Deputy Principal, and teachers. The results of the study show that the management of the principal at SD Muhammadiyah Rabbani Karanganom Special Program is effective, this can be seen from: 1) Planning (planning) the program by utilizing the strengths and weaknesses that exist in the school and making a roadmap for the success of the program 2) Organization ( organizing) is done by clearly delegating the program by dividing it out according to the duties and authorities. 3) Movement (actuating) is carried out by the principal by encouraging and providing guidance to run the program. 4) Controlling is carried out through direct supervision and through attendance documents and reports from the vice principal.