Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nurjanah, Rani
, Arina Maliya, S.Kep., Ns.,M.Si., Med
R Medicine (General)
2022-05-22 13:34:50
Abstract :
Chronic hypertension can cause complaints that will become changes in adapting to the disease so that it will affect a person's level of spiritual quality and coping mechanisms. With good spiritual qualities, individuals will be characterized by an optimistic attitude and able to accept the circumstances of their condition so that it affects the improvement of coping mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual quality and coping mechanisms for people with hypertension at the Gatak Health Center, Sukoharjo. This type of quantitative research is correlational with a cross sectional approach. The sampling method is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The number of respondents in this study were 70 respondents. The place of research was carried out at the Gatak Health Center and Posbindu in the Gatak area. The research population is hypertension sufferers at the Gatak Sukoharjo Health Center. The instrument used is a questionnaire that researchers made themselves, namely Spiritual Quality with 13 questions and a modified questionnaire, namely Jalowiec Coping Scala with 14 questions that researchers have tested for validity and reliability with the results of validity being r count > 0.444 while spiritual quality is 0.957 and coping mechanisms 0.912 which means the scale is declared reliable. The results showed that the majority of optimal spiritual quality was 66 respondents (94.3%) and spiritual quality was not optimal 4 respondents (5.7%) while adaptive coping mechanisms were 63 respondents (90%) and maladaptive was 7 respondents (10%). For data processing techniques using the Fisher's Exact Test. Based on the results of statistical analysis, the value of ?2hitung is 19.916 with p-value = 0.002 with a significant value of p <0.05 so that there is a relationship between spiritual quality and coping mechanisms for people with hypertension at the Gatak Sukoharjo Health Center.