Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Pembelajaran Online
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Tri Widyawati, Erni
, Wisnu Sri Hertinjung.S.Psi.,M.Psi.,Psikolog
BB Psychology 
2022-05-23 02:15:41 
Abstract :
The education system in Indonesia has been forced to switch to using online learning methods during the Covid-19 pandemic, this will affect student learning motivation. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and social support with learning motivation. The proposed hypothesis is that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and social support with learning motivation, there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation, and there is a positive relationship between social support and learning motivation. The population of this research is the students of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta as many as 100 students. Sampling technique with random sampling method. This research method uses a quantitative approach, with learning motivation (Y) as the dependent variable and emotional intelligence (X1) and social support (X2) as independent variables. Data collection tools in this study used a scale of learning motivation, emotional intelligence, and social support. The data analysis technique used multiple regression which met the normality and linearity tests. The results of the analysis for the minor hypothesis are seen from the Pearson Correlation (r) value with Sig. p = 0.002 (p <0.05), for emotional intelligence with learning motivation of 0.274, then social support with learning motivation of 0.181, meaning that there is a very significant positive relationship. The major hypothesis is seen from the anova table with an R value of 6.853 with Sig. p = 0.02 (p <0.05), which means that there is a very significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and social support with student learning motivation, it can be concluded that the major and minor hypotheses are accepted. The effective contribution given by emotional intelligence to learning motivation is 8% and social support to learning motivation is 4%. The level of learning motivation and emotional intelligence is high, while social support is moderate. Keywords: learning motivation, emotional intelligence, social support 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta