Perancangan Kantor Pemerintahan Terpadu Kabupaten Pati Provinsi Jawa Tengah Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Alfarizy, Muhamad
, Dr. Ir. Qomarun, M.M.
NA Architecture 
2022-05-24 01:28:57 
Abstract :
The government bureaucratic system is an important thing to pay attention to. The smoothness and efficiency of the government bureaucratic system can be a benchmark for the progress of an area. One of the obstacles in the government bureaucracy is the distance between government offices which tend to be far apart so that efficiency in time becomes less than optimal. Including in Pati Regency, where government offices are located in several places, causing government bureaucracy such as permit processing and others to be less efficient. With the planning of an integrated government office in Pati Regency, it is hoped that it can increase the effectiveness of the government bureaucracy and can advance Pati Regency in various fields. With the concept of an ecological architectural approach that pays attention to the balance between the environment, people and buildings, it is hoped that it can be an example for other development plans in Pati Regency that are environmentally oriented. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta