Rumah Kaca Dome Sebagai Tempat Konservasi Dan Wisata Edukasi Tanaman Air Di Kebun Raya Bogor
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Fairuz, Adzin
, Dr. Rini Hidayati, S.T., M.T
NA Architecture 
2022-05-27 00:56:23 
Abstract :
Aquatic Bogor Botanical Gardens (BBG) is an institution that functions to carry out ex-situ plant conservation, research, and educational tourims. Various plants are collected by KRB, including aquatic plants. So far, the collection of aquatic plants is outdoors. The threat of damage due to various environmental factors can endanger the sustainability of aquatic plants. Therefore, a greenhouse is needed as a place for preservation and education so that efforts to preserve aquatic plants in the form of ex-situ conservation can be realized. Water Plant Greenhouse Planning aims to obtain the form of building design, site determination and application of greenhouse technology in order to accommodate the activities that take place in it. This research uses descriptive method by collecting data, compiling and analyzing the data that is used as a basis in preparing the basic concepts of planning and design. Determination of the shape of the greenhouse building design as a place for conservation and educational tourism is determined through macro, messo, and micro analysis of the building. The results of this study found that the shape of the Dome Greenhouse is a suitable design form as a container for conservation and educational tourism for aquatic plants. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta