Studi Pengaruh Infrastruktur, Upah Minimum, Pajak Daerah, Angkatan Kerja Pendidikan Tinggi Terhadap Investasi Asing Langsung Di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah Periode 2016-2019
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nur Amalia, Rizky
, Drs Yuni Prihadi Utomo, M.M
HB Economic Theory 
2022-05-25 01:17:49 
Abstract :
Foreign Direct Investment is an investment activity carried out by one country to another in the form of private capital and government capital. This study aims to analyze the direction and magnitude of the influence of Infrastructure, Minimum Wage, Taxes, and the Labor Force on Foreign Direct Investment in Regencies/Cities of Central Java Province. The data source is secondary data for the 2016-2019 period. Methods Data analysis uses panel data regression analysis. Panel data in this study include cross-section and time-series data. The cross-section data consists of 35 districts/cities in Central Java and time series data with a range of 2016-2019. The results showed that the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) was chosen as the best estimation model. Furthermore, it is concluded that the Minimum Wage variable has a significant negative effect on Foreign Direct Investment. While the variables of Infrastructure, Taxes, Higher Education Workforce have no significant effect on Foreign Direct Investment. Implementation of research results that the main factor seen by foreign direct investment is the value of the minimum wage. The more affordable the minimum wage, the more foreign direct investment will tend to increase and vice versa. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta