Revitalisasi Cagar Budaya Ex Rumah Sakit Kadipolo Solo Sebagai Museum Kesehatan Berbasis Wellness Tourism
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Pri Martin, Gusmiyuda
, Ir. Alpha Febela Priyatmono, M.T
NA Architecture 
2022-05-25 04:42:40 
Abstract :
The former Kadipolo Solo Hospital was a former hospital or clinic for courtiers of the palace during the Dutch colonial period. Ex RS Kadipolo is on Jl. Dr. Radjiman Widyodiningrat, Panularan, Laweyan District, Surakarta City, Central Java. It was founded around 1915 by the King of the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace, Sunan Paku Buwono (PB) X. Due to financial problems, in 1948 the management was given to the Surakarta city government. Then around 1960 the palace fully gave the building of the Kadipolo Hospital along with all employees and nurses to the Surakarta Regional Government. Now the building has been designated as a BCB through the Decree of the Mayor of Solo Number 646/1-R/1/2013 dated May 3, 2013 in lieu of the Decree of the Mayor of Surakarta Number 646/116/1/1997. Then around 2018, the rightful owner of this area, Sigit Hardjojudanto son of former president Suharto, intended to sell this area to be converted by the developer as a housing complex. The plan received rejection from various parties, and resulted in the blocking of land by BPN in June 2018 which was proposed by the developer himself. A cultural heritage should be preserved and maintained its existence. Its existence is a marker of the development of civilization in the city of Solo. Departing from the problems that occur, it is necessary to have ideas for the direction of development in this Ex Hospital Kadipolo. The development is still able to maintain the spirit and important value of this building and there is still a connection between the character and function of the new building and the old building. So that the idea of a direction of development as a health museum emerged. However, looking at the condition of museums in Indonesia, most museums are less attractive and seem boring. Therefore, to achieve the sustainability of the museum's tourism wheel, new facilities are provided in the form of fitness tourism or wellness tourism. Where this type of tourism is still related to the function of the previous building as a hospital. Besides that, it is also the main mission of the tourism sector for the Solo city government to be developed in the near future. By utilizing the existing potential, it is hoped that this area will be able to become a more useful place and have a positive impact on one another. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta