Hubungan Antara Citra Diri dan Konformitas Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Rosyida, Mila Shiffa
, Achmad Dwityanto O, S.Psi, M.Si.
QP Physiology 
2022-05-23 07:14:27 
Abstract :
In the mids of this globazation, there is a change in peopl?s consumtion patterns that make somecoone buy goods or services not based on need but only for p;easure, resalting in a person being extravagant. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-image and peer conformity to consumptive behavior in students of the psychology faculty oh the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta with 150 research subjects. The technique of collecting data sampels using accidental sampling technique. The method used in this research is quantitative with measuring instrument in the front of a consumptive behavior scale, a self-image scale and apeer conformity scale. This data analysis was carried out by Spearman Rho correlation analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that self-image variable on consumptive behavior has a correlation coefficient value (rxy) of - 0,167 and sig (p) of 0,041 (p<0.5) which indicates a significant negative relationship between image themselves towards consumptive behavior. The variable peer conformity to consumptive behavior has a correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.154) and sig (p) of 0.060 (0.5) which indicates an insignificant positive relationship between peer conformity to consumptive behavior and effective contribution. The relationship between self-image and peer conformity to consumptive behavior, based on the coefficient R² (R Square) = % with details of self-image 2.0% . peer conformity 3.5% and there are 94.5% influenced by other factors. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta