Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Tentang Praktik Upah Dalam Proses Pemakaman (Studi Kasus Di Desa Pengasinan Dan Daerah Parung Bingung Depok Jawa Barat)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nirinanto, Ihwan Fahrudin Zain
, Dr. Muthoifin, S.H.I., M.Ag
BA12 Hukum Ekonomi Islam 
2022-09-23 06:27:27 
Abstract :
Human is a creature that is always in need for another, that is why they are called social creature. As a social creature, human interaction form si very wide, including in economics matter. Human interaction in economics usually includes trading activity, also the relationship between the one who gives job and the one who does the job. In Islam, economics interaction is already set, there is a lot of verses either in the Qurán or in the Hadits. Based on this, researcher wants to research about the mechanism of paying the wages of the funeral worker in Depok, especially in Sawangan and Parung Bingung. The data type in this research is Primary Data, which acquired by doing interview with some source person with the intent to get the needed information. There is 2 location of this research, that is Pengasinan village and Parung Bingung, this research was done in about 6 months. From this research, researcher can conclude that both of the villages are already applying the Islamic law in paying the wages of the funeral workers. The mechanism between two villages are similar, where these 2 villages form some kind of organization in specialization to take care the funeral ceremony, in Pengasinan they form RUKEMAH but the scale is small and only for the citizen of RW 11, while in Parung Bingung they form TPUI Darul Maqobir with the scale of foundation and bigger than in Pengasinan. Meanwhile in wages matter, there is already a deal between the organization manager and the funeral workers. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta