Representasi Stereotip Perempuan Pada Film Kim Ji Young, Born 1982
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Duriana, Elissa
, Fajar Junaedi, M.Si
HE Communications 
2022-05-23 08:58:37 
Abstract :
Abstract Stereotypes are negative images that are oversimplified and repeated so many times that they become a pattern. Stereotypes attached to women generally cannot be separated from the role of women as feminine persons. Stereotypes of women are often represented through films, one of which is in Kim Ji Young, Born 1982 film. Through this film, the researcher analyzes using Stuart Hall's representation theory and Roland Barthes' semiotic theory to determine the stereotypical representation of women. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with a purposive sampling technique. The researcher analyzes through the meaning of verbal and nonverbal signs in scene pieces that represent women stereotypes. The researcher found two categories, namely the stereotype representation of women and the discrimination against women representation based on the analysis. The stereotype representation of women in this film consists of women as sources of sexual harassment, women as weak creatures, and women in domestic roles. Meanwhile, the discrimination against women representation in this film consists of discrimination at home and discrimination on the job. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta