Analisis Pengaruh Luas Lahan, Produksi, Harga Domestik, Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Volume Impor Jagung Di Indonesia
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Fauzian Ahmad, Madafi
, Dr. Didit Purnomo, S.E, M.Si
HB Economic Theory 
2022-05-23 14:21:19 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze and prove the effect of land area, production, domestic prices, and exchange rates on the volume of maize imports in Indonesia. The data used are maize imports volume, production, domestic prices, and exchange rates. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression with OLS (Ordinal Least Square) model. This research is a quantitative study with 1992-2017 time series data in Indonesia. The type of data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the BPS, FAO, Ministry of Agriculture and the World Bank. The results show that land area and production has a positive and significant effect on the volume of maize imports in Indonesia. Domestic prices and the exchange rate variable has a positive and significant effect on the volume of maize imports in Indonesia. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta