Strategi Pembinaan Akhlak Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Karanganyar Dengan Media Daring Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Fawaid, Sabiq Nur
, Nurul Latifatul Inayati, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I.
BA11 Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-06-03 01:27:51 
Abstract :
Islamic based moral education is a part of the school system that use to increase students islamic caracters at school, with many strategies that had been planned, executed and evaluated. The covid-19 pandemic affected school learning systems, in this situation studies in a school was implemented by online class using smartphone applications. The situation also causes the process of Islamic moral education to be an online class, thus providing strategies for instilling students through online media. As for the issues involved in this study: (1) how a student's caracters development strategy is through online media(2) what factors impede students' caracters development program through online media at MAN 1 karanganyar. The purpose of this research is to explain the Islamic base moral education strategy and know the inhibition factor of moral education in the MAN 1 Karanganyar. This research is the field research that takes up the research site at the MAN 1 Karanganyar. Based on data obtained and research purpose, the approach researchers use is qualitative. Researchers also use the fenomological approach based on phenomena in the field. Data retrieval conducted by researchers using methods of interviews, documentation and observation. Researchers use data validity tests with trianggulation techniques. Research shows that the strategy which MAN 1 Karanganyar used in coaching students during the pandemic with online media has been well-planned by teachers, students vice principal, curriculum vice principal and school directors so that it can be implemented during long distance learners. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of coaching islamic caracters in man 1 Karanganyar of a series by four different ways, including the following: (1) coaching caracters with students habits; (2) disciplinary coaching (3) coaching with counsel, message and motivation (4) and coaching with model. A disruptive factor found in student development is that the student's own internal student discipline is low student discipline, and then externally is signal and network, a difficult factor in student supervision and the last because of the student's economic and family factors. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta