Pengalaman Bidan Desa Dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Ihsani, Kirana Afifah
, Vinami Yulian, Ns., M.Sc., Ph.D
R Medicine (General) 
2022-05-24 06:38:09 
Abstract :
The village midwives work under the direct responsibility of the Community Health Center (CHC), and works closely with village officials as an effort to improve maternal and child health. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on health services due to services changes. The literature shows that there are changes in antenatal care, delivery services, postpartum and newborn services, contraceptive service, and integrated health post for child health (Posyandu). In addition, the pandemic creates emotional stress and stress that is felt by midwives as frontline health workers to provide maternal and child health services, as well as raises a number of obstacles and support for midwives as services providers. Therefore, it is necessary to support village midwives from various sources so that village midwives continue to provide services during the pandemic. This study aims to determine the experience and role of village midwives in providing services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research method uses qualitative research with an exploratory approach. The number of participants in this study were seven villages midwives in the working area of Mawar Health Center, Sukoharjo Regency with a purposive sampling approach. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews. After conducting the thematic analysis process, the results of in-depth interviews found three themes, namely (1) the influence of the pandemic on village midwives services, (2) the influence of the pandemic on psychological aspects, and (3) the supporting factors and inhibiting village midwife services. The results of this study can be an important source of information for midwives and stakeholder in an effort to improve services to mothers and children, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta