Sistem Spinjam Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Pendekatan Multi Akad)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Melania, Ardistya Dhea
, Drs. Harun, MH
BA12 Hukum Ekonomi Islam 
2022-09-21 07:41:03 
Abstract :
Currently, the era has developed with technology that can provide convenience for humans to carry out various kinds of activities including borrowing and borrowing money transactions. One of the advancements of technology is the existence of the internet. Shopee is an e-commerce that is currently popular and in demand by millennials. Spinjam or commonly referred to as shopee pinjaman is one of the interesting service features of the shopee application that provides money loan facilities. The purpose of this study is to find out the practice of spinjam in shopee application, and what contracts are in the spinjam system and how the law is according to Islam with a multi contract approach. The method used is a qualitative method that can describe what has been found from research through customer service and user interviews and data obtained from several journals and articles. In the practice of spinjam there are two contracts that gather in one transaction, namely the qardh contract and the grant contract. both are tabaru' contracts and belong to the type al-'uqud al-mujtami'ah al-mutaqobilah (conditional contract/ dependent contract). Multi-contract law in the spinjam system is not legal, because according to scholars there are benefits that return to the party that gives debt and benefits to the debtor including prohibited usury. In addition, the contract that when he stands alone is not valid then when united with other contracts the law is also invalid. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta