Redesain Komplek Gedung Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Diponegoro Dengan Pendekatan Post-Pandemi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Santi, Annisa Kurnia
, M.S. Priyono Nugroho, ST. MT.
NA Architecture 
2022-05-25 03:46:25 
Abstract :
The Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University is an Architecture study program located at Diponegoro University, Semarang city. The Engineering Department building of Diponegoro University has been occupying the Tembalang area since September 2, 1996, which until now has not had any significant changes. This Architecture Campus has 4 separate buildings in one area, namely the Sidharta Building, Eko Budiharjo Building, Paul H Pandelaki Building and D Building, each of which has 3 floors. However, even though they are in the same area, only building C and building D have direct access. The lack of facilities such as toilets on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Building B, as well as the type of old buildings that are not in line with the updates by Diponegoro University, have led to the need for a new redesign concept. In 2020 there was also an outbreak of the Corona Virus which is easily contagious and can cause death where this also makes the face-to-face lecture process hampered and causes architecture to also have to adapt to it. The method used is descriptive qualitative, namely by conducting a post-occupancy evaluation through a survey and describing the results of the evaluation. The result of POE is the redesign of a part of the building with adjustments to the application of post-pandemic concepts and flexibility. The application is the use of secondary-skin in the outdoor layout, the modern minimalist concept for the interior layout and the application of the healthy-building concept that maximizes sunlight and green space. The form of flexibility adaptation in buildings is the use of the pricicple of non-permanent walls and the use of multifunctional spaces. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta