Aplikasi Kasir Berbasis Android Pada Warung Spesial Soto Sehat Mbak Jum
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Hidayat, Fatwa Dwi
-, Dedi Gunawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D
QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science 
2022-05-24 17:55:52 
Abstract :
The process of business transactions at the Special Soto Sehat restaurant, Mbak Jum, is still carried out with manual calculations which are less effective and efficient. This manual method is prone to errors in calculating the payment amount and requires a lot of time to write accurate and accurate sales report transactions. Android has a function as a form of sophisticated technology at this time. Cashier is a form of service that provided by producers to users of the goods and services offered. The purpose of this research is to create an android-based cashier application that has functions to make it easier for users to calculate transactions automatically, store sales transaction report data, and generate payment notes more quickly and efficiently. The method applied to the development of this application is the waterfall software development method which starts sequentially from requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. The waterfall method is an application development method that is simple, systematic, sequential and easy to follow so it is very appropriate to be adopted in the development of applications that are not too complex. This application was developed using the Kotlin Android Studio programming language, Code Igniter framework and database management using MySQL. System testing using Black Box Testing which aims to find out an application can run well in accordance with the previously expected functions. The System Usability Scale is carried out to get a response from users who experiment with the system that has been developed. The final SUS score obtained is 78, which means the system is at the "good" level and is feasible to use. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta