Game Edukasi Pengenalan Nama-Nama Bunga Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunagrahita Kelas Iii Di Sekolah Luar Biasa Abc Tawangsari
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Asidiq, Luqman Hanung
, Fatah Yasin Al Irsyadi, S.T., M.T
QA76 Computer software 
2022-05-25 03:37:12 
Abstract :
Children with special needs with mental retardation are children who have a level of intelligence below the average normal child. In schools, teachers in delivering learning materials still use conventional methods. With this method, children with special needs for mental retardation get bored easily and find it difficult to understand the material presented. To deal with this, a new learning method is needed in educating mentally retarded children. One of the learning methods that can be used is to use learning companion media in the form of educational games. Interesting and interactive games can increase children's enthusiasm in learning. This study aims to develop an educational game that can be used to introduce the names of flowers and their original images. This research was conducted at the Tawangsari ABC Special School, especially for third grade mentally retarded children. The results of the research are educational games with the theme of flowers that have been adapted to the abilities of mentally retarded children according to the results of interviews with teachers. This android-based educational game was developed using the Construct 2 software. Based on two test results, namely blackbox, it was stated that this game was running as expected and testing the questionnaire that had been filled out by the teacher, it could be stated that the game that had been developed was very interesting so that mentally retarded children were interested in playing it. This game can help students with mental retardation in learning to recognize the names of flowers easily. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta