Analisis Dampak Bencana Banjir Rob Terhadap Perubahan Struktur Sosial Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Hanifah, M Haryo
, Dra. Alief Noor Anna, MSi
G Geography (General) 
2022-05-25 07:39:20 
Abstract :
Rob flood is one of the natural disasters that occur in coastal areas, especially in Indonesia, located on the north coast of the Java Sea. This type of disaster damages the environment around the coastal area, and also changes the socio-economic structure of the community in the affected area. With this tidal disaster, it is not only the socio-economic impact that is affected, but the existing public facilities are also affected so that this will further exacerbate existing socio-economic activities. With this disaster, the community should make adaptations in order to be able to adjust to the conditions of the robbery or choose to move from that location. The aims of this study are: (1) To analyze the pattern of changes in the social and economic structure of the coastal area of Sayung Demak District. (2) Analyze the factors that make people stay or move places. The method used is a survey method and interviews using a questionnaire. The number of respondents was determined using the Cluster Sampling method with the selection of respondents using the Sampling Criteria Technique. The analysis used is the analysis of the ecological approach to examine the phenomenon of the interaction of the impact and adaptation of the tidal flood disaster to changes in the socio-economic structure. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The impact of the tidal flood that occurred in the coastal area of Sayung District was in the form of economic, social impacts and damage to public facilities. The perceived economic impacts are changes in livelihoods, monthly income and also the welfare of the community. In livelihoods, the community changes the type of work due to self-adjustment as a result of the increasing severity of the tidal wave that has resulted in many people losing their jobs, especially those who rely on marine products. In this event, the community felt the impact on their monthly income being uncertain or even the community's income had decreased, this also had an impact on the welfare of the community which was below average. The social impact felt by the community is in the form of disruption of people's daily activities which continues to lack community interaction. Tidal flooding also damaged public facilities in coastal areas which hampered community activities in carrying out economic and social activities. (2) Efforts were made by the community to survive or move from affected locations, namely, adjustment, changes in livelihoods. , carry out activities that can strengthen interaction between communities. The adaptation carried out by the community is in the form of repairing public facilities, providing assistance to affected communities, and also providing options for people who want to move through the program of moving to a location that is safe from robbery and also the transmigration program. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta