Pendidikan Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah Dalam Perspektif Historis-Filosofis
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nur Haryani, Hidayati
, Dr. Mutohharun Jinan, M.Ag
LP Philosophy Education 
2022-05-25 04:40:07 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT KH. Ahmad Dahlan aspires to give birth to an education system that is able to give birth to the community to be intellectual scholars who believe in Allah SWT and supported by the treasures of general year. He thinks that the deterioration of Muslims and Indosesia is nothing but due to the backwardness of the education system. Therefore, he focused on taking the path of education as a means of preaching to free the Indonesian nation from ignorance, and to realize the Indonesian nation in order to be able to fight to expel the Dutch colonialists from the Archipelago. With the background that has been presented above, the author is interested in conducting a research study that takes the title "Muhammadiyah Advanced Education in Historical-Philosophical Perspective". The purpose of this research study is to find out how Muhammadiyah advanced education in a histoist-philosophical perspective. The method chosen in this research is the library research method. In order for the data that has been collected can be obtained its purpose and purpose, the process of data analysis is carried out. While the approach used by the author is historical approach, and philosophical approach. Referring to the exposure of data obtained from the research can be concluded that Muhammadiyah Advanced Education Thinking Historical- Philosophical Perspective can be seen in the efforts and hard work of KH. Ahmad Dahlan in integrating between modern western education with islamic-style religious education that aims to give birth to a generation of intellectuals based on the teachings of Islam. Muhammadiyah education today although it tends to lead to an SCL (student centered learning) approach that is more in favor of progressivism, but teachers remain the axis that determines policy, both regarding aspects of the curriculum and the learning process implemented. For Muhammadiyah, teachers or educators remain a figure who needs to be respected by students. So, in advanced education Muhammadiyah still sits educators in their place in facilitating and providing explanations to students through advanced learning methods by inoving educational methods in accordance with their times. Keywords: Advanced Education, Historical-Philosophical, Muhammadiyah 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta