Perancangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Posyandu Berbasis Website Pada Desa Plasan
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Adhawati, Dhiya Ulhaq
, Heru Supriyono, S.T. M.Sc, Ph.D
QA76 Computer software 
2022-05-27 03:31:36 
Abstract :
Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is one form of service activity efforts public health, especially for children. Currently Posyandu in Plasan Village is in progress the data collection is still manual using a book to record toddler data. In this case can hinder the reporting process if the book is lost or the data is wrong in taking notes is inaccurate. So to solve this problem it is necessary Posyandu administration information system design that can be used to help cadre performance. This study aims to assist posyandu cadres in processing and data reporting. The method used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). With the Waterfall model. The stages of the method 2 are needs analysis, design, development, testing, implementation. Making this web-based system using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor Program) with MySQL database PhpMyAdmin (Structured Query Language), as well as using the codeigniter framework. The result of using the system Posyandu administrative information that makes it easier to process data and report. Based on the test results with the blackbox testing method in a functional system can work as expected. The results of the test obtained 91.1% which can be it can be concluded that this system can be well received so that it can improve the performance of Posyandu becomes easier, more effective and efficient. Keywords: Information system, posyandu, php 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta