Perbandingan Pengaruh Modifikasi Penambahan Blade Lurus Pada Turbin Tesla Terhadap Putaran, Torsi, Daya Dan Efisiensi Turbin Dengan Validasi Hasil Menggunakan Ansys CFX
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Purwanto, Sugeng
-, Dr. Ir. Tri Tjahjono, M.T
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery 
2022-05-26 20:44:09 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of modifying the addition of a blade on a Tesla turbine with a straight blade and a total of 12 blades for each side of the impeller. There are 3 turbine impellers, each measuring 150 mm and the impeller is made of PLA+ (polylactid acid). The turbine was tested with a head as high as 15 m and to determine the rate of increase in shaft rotation on the Tesla turbine, discharge settings were made through valve angles of 30?,45?,60?, and 90? degree. This research was carried out by experimental and simulation methods using Ansys CFX, then the experimental results and the simulation will be validated with a maximum error rate of 10%. The test results show that the addition of flat blades on the Tesla turbine increases the performance of the Tesla turbine. In the Tesla turbine with the addition of a flat blade, the highest shaft rotation is 600 rpm with a theoretical torque value of 0.257 Nm and a simulation torque of 0.274 Nm, the difference in the error value of torque is 6.14%, turbine power is 16.167 Watt and efficiency is 15.07%. Then on a bladeless Tesla turbine, the highest shaft rotation is 360 rpm, the theoretical torque value is 0.154 Nm and the simulation torque is 0.160 Nm, the difference in the error value of torque is 3.81%, turbine power is 5.82 Watts, and efficiency is 5.42%. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta