Gambaran Perilaku Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Pada Ibu Yang Memiliki Anak Balita Usia 24-59 Bulan Di Desa Tepisari Kecamatan Polokarto Kabupaten Sukoharjo
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Akmilia, Zuyyina Firdausi
, Dr. Dwi Sarbini, S.T., S.Gz., M.Kes
R Medicine (General) 
2022-05-27 06:10:11 
Abstract :
Background: The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 2018 was 30,8%. The problem of stunting is associated with the health and nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy and lactation, as well as improper care and feeding in early life. One of the factors that influence stunting is food sanitation hygiene behavior, which affects the incidence of infection in toddlers. This study aimed to determine the description of food sanitation hygiene behavior in mothers who have toddlers aged 24-59 months in Tepisari Village, Polokarto District, Sukoharjo Regency. Research Method: Descriptive research with a sample of 53 mothers of children under five who were determined at 5 posyandu in Tepisari Village by proportional random sampling with the sampling using simple random sampling technique. Data on food hygiene behavior was obtained through interviews with mothers of children under five using a form of 25 statements measured by a likert scale. Result: As many as 90.6% of mothers under five do not use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and assistive devices when handling food. Conclusion: Most mothers of toddlers have not applied the principles of overall food sanitation hygiene properly. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta