The Implementation Of Google Classroom In Teaching Reading For Senior High School Students During Covid-19 Outbreak
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
, Marsono
, Muamaroh, Ph.D
, Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D
L Education (General) 
2022-06-16 06:17:40 
Abstract :
The research aims to describe the implementation of Google Classroom in teaching Reading Comprehension Course for Senior High School students during Covid-19 outbreak. The research is descriptive qualitative, and the data are collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The findings show that the implementation of Google Classroom in teaching Reading Comprehension for Senior High School students during Covid-19 outbreak appears to be effective. The teachers use several teaching methods such as Reciprocal Teaching, Question Answer Relationship (QARs), and scaffolding method. In using Google Classroom as their learning platform, the teachers encountered some challenges, which include difficulties in explaining the teaching materials through online media, the students? readiness in using the application, limited time for reading text materials, internet connection problem, and other technical problems such as in operating the features in the application itself. Similarly, the students faced problems caused by environmental and technical factors. The research proposes solutions to these problems, they include teachers? motivational encouragement and positive attitude in utilising Google Classroom, teacher-parent discussion and agreement through Whatsapp Group to prevent non-conducive learning environment, and both teachers? and students? commitment to have early preparation of online class to solve any technical problems that may arise. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta