Manajemen Kepala Madrasah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan (Studi Kasus MIM Karanganyar dan MIM Mergomulyo Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar Tahun 2016-2018)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Arif, Mochamad
-, Dr Sabar Narimo, M.M.M.Pd.
-, Badaruddin
BA11 Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-06-04 01:41:24 
Abstract :
This study aims to obtain a complete and comprehensive overview of the concept and implementation of madrasah principal management and aspects that have not received emphasis or attention from the Head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah (MIM) Karanganyar and the Head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah (MIM) Mergomulyo Matesih Karanganyar district. This research method is carried out with a participatory qualitative or naturalistic approach. This type of research is descriptive in order to explain the aspects of leadership management that are implemented and needed by the two madrasas. The data collection technique for this research is using in-depth interview, participant observation, and documentation study. Data validity techniques used standards of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The data analysis technique was processed by reducing the data (contact summary, coding category, reflection notes, and data sorting) and presented with descriptive narrative exposure. The results showed that the two madrasas under the auspices of Muhammadiyah have implemented an autonomous management model that combines the principles of Islamic education with the concept of modern education in madrasah life. So that the head of madrasah with autonomy has the flexibility to manage madrasah with full mandate in order to achieve the vision of the madrasah, the expectations of citizens, and the goals of national education. The success of this management can be seen from the increasing trust of the community and government in entrusting the education process of the nation's children through these two madrasas to become intelligent and character human beings. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta