Translation Analysis from Indonesian into English in The Crying Stone Folklore
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Hamisi, Abdul Malik Anwar
, Dr. Anam Sutopo, M.Hum
L Education (General) 
2022-06-08 01:58:49 
Abstract :
This research aims to identify the kinds of sentence and the accuracy of their translation in the folklore entitled "The Crying Stone." This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. The data are sentences taken from the story collected by using documentation. The data are then analysed by referring to Frank's theory (1974) on sentence types and Newmark's theory (1995) on translation accuracy. The finding show there are 101 sentences in the story which consist of a) 66 simple sentences, b) 10 compound sentences, c) 14 complex sentences, d) 11 compound- complex sentences. In addition, based on the accuracy translation, there are 74 accurate translation and 27 inaccurate translation. It can be concluded that the crying stone use the variety of sentence kinds and the translation of the sentence kinds can be regarded acceptable. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta