Proses Produksi Berita Di LPM Pabelan UMS (Studi Hierarchy Of Influence Model)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Rahmawati, Munasifah
-, Vinisa N.Aisyah, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom
HE Communications 
2022-08-08 03:02:20 
Abstract :
News coverage in the mass media is not something that just happens. There is a hierarchy of influence in the process and determination of whether news is published or not. Even so, not all hierarchies of influence come from internal mass media, there are external influences that can determine news. This study took the research subject of LPM Pabelan UMS as an alternative media to analyze the news production process. This study uses the hierarchy of influence theory developed by Shoemaker and Reese to determine the process of producing media messages. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on the process of collecting data through interviews, observations, literacy studies and documentation. The results of this study indicate, at the individual level, members of LPM Pabelan are motivated by the desire to develop themselves. Meanwhile, at the level of routine practice from journalists, this occurs through the stages of media content production. However, members still feel some obstacles. At the media organization level, LPM Pabelan has a structure that guides the division of tasks among its members. However, LPM Pabelan has an organizational culture where members are involved in the distribution process. At the social institution level, LPM Pabelan has control from Bagmawa in the gatekeeping process. This condition is motivated by funding and control of muhammadiyahan values by the university. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta