Pembudayaan Pendidikan Karakter Disiplin Siswa Pada Masa New Normal Di SDN 1 Wonogiri
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Ernawanto, Yoni
., Prof. Dr. Sutama, M.Pd.
., Dr. Minsih, S.Ag., M.Pd.
X General Subject 
2022-08-06 08:07:25 
Abstract :
This study aims to describe the enculturating character education of students' discipline in the new normal period at SDN 1 Wonogiri before learning, during learning and after learning. This type of research uses qualitative research with an ethnographic design. The research was conducted in the fourth grade of SDN 1 Wonogiri. Sources of data from this research are principals, teachers and students. Data were collected by interview and observation. Interactive data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. While the validity of the data with triangulation techniques and sources. The results showed that the enculturating of disciplined character education was carried out before learning, namely by implementing health protocols, coming to school before 07.00, praying before starting learning and checking student attendance. Enculturating disciplined character education during learning is carried out with a focus on learning materials, group discussions, questions and answers and evaluation of learning materials. Enculturating disciplined character education after learning is carried out by making conclusions, learning reflections, follow-up activities and praying to end the learning. group discussion, question and answer and evaluation of learning materials. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta