Analisis Pengaruh Keaktifan Dalam Berorganisasi Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Dengan Soft Skill Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Mahasiswa Manajemen Feb Ums
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Facriansyah, Aldy
, Dr. Moechammad Nasir, S.E., M.M.
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-08-10 03:46:54 
Abstract :
This research aimed at analyzing and discussing the influence of activeness in an organization toward the working readiness with soft skill as intervening variable of management students in FEB UMS. Furthermore, the formulation of the problem in this study was whether activeness in an organization had a significant effect on working readiness mediated by soft skills. This research was survey research with a quantitative approach using primary data types through filling out questionnaires distributed using Google Form. The data source of this research was sample of respondent from management students who was active in organization. The population of this research were all management students of FEB UMS who were active in campus organization. The technique of collecting data was probability sampling by using purposive sampling with 60 sample of respondents. The hypothesis of this research were activeness in an organization was thought to have a significant effect on work readiness (H1), activeness in an organization was thought to have a significant effect on soft skills (H2), soft skills were thought to have a significant effect on job readiness (H3), and soft skills were thought to be a mediating/intervening variable between activeness. In organizing towards working readiness (H4). The results showed that organizational activity had no significant effect on working readiness, organizational activity had a significant effect on soft skills, soft skills had a significant effect on working readiness. The conclusion of this study showed that soft skills (Z) had a significant influence in mediating the relationship between Activeness in Organization (X) and Work Readiness (Y) of FEB UMS management students. Therefore, H1 was rejected, and the proposed H2, H3, H4 could be accepted. Campuses must support students who are active in organizations to develop their soft skills so that they have good working readiness. Key words: activeness in organization, soft kills, working readiness 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta