Analisis Pengaruh Consumer-Brand Characteristics dan Brand Resonance Terhadap Brand Loyalty pada Sepeda Motor Merek Yamaha Type N-Max di Surakarta
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Rahardhika, Andrea Danur
, Dr. Drs. Moechammad Nasir, M.M.
HD28 Management 
2022-08-08 08:15:39 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the effect of consumer brand characteristics and brand resonance on brand loyalty on Yamaha N-Max motorcycles. Furthermore, the formulation of the problem in this study is whether consumer brand characteristics and brand resonance have a significant effect on brand loyalty on Yamaha N-Max motorcycles. This study uses an explanatory research type based on a survey based on a quantitative approach using primary data types through filling out questionnaires distributed using Google Form. The source of data in this study is a sample of respondents who buy and use a Yamaha N-Max motorcycle in Surakarta. The population in this study is the owner of a Yamaha N-Max motorcycle in Surakarta. The sampling technique in this study was non-probability sampling using purposive sampling, where the number of samples in this study was 200 respondents. The hypothesis in this study is that consumer brand characteristics have a significant effect on brand loyalty on Yamaha N-Max motorcycles (H1), brand resonance has a significant effect on brand loyalty on Yamaha N-Max motorcycles (H2). The results showed that consumer brand characteristics had no significant effect on brand loyalty and brand resonance had a significant effect on brand loyalty. The conclusion of this study shows that consumer brand characteristics (X1) have no significant effect on brand loyalty and brand resonance (X2) has a significant effect on brand loyalty. Therefore, the proposed H1 is proven to be incorrect and the proposed H2 is proven to be true. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta