Redesain Convention Dan Exhibition Hall Di Pusat Rekreasi Dan Promosi Pembangunan (Pendekatan Arsitektur High-tech)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Octaviani, Alfina Rahma
, Ir. Samsudin Raidi, MSc
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering 
2022-08-08 08:41:06 
Abstract :
Semarang City is the capital city of Central Java Province which is strategically located with surrounding cities. Being the fifth largest metropolitan city after Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Medan, this area has a population of 1.7 million people. As the center of government of Central Java Province, Semarang City is one of the cities that is a center of trade and business which is classified as a National Strategic Area (KSN) so that it has a role in contributing to the economic sector, namely industry and trade. The city of Semarang has several activities held every year such as Dugderan, Semarang Expo, Semarang Great Sale, Semarang Fashion Festival, Semarang Fashion on The Street, and Kota Lama Festival, and so on. To accommodate each of its activities, Semarang City should have adequate public facilities. Ironically, there is no room that accommodates activities such as meetings and exhibitions that are really feasible. The plan to redesign the PRPP convention and exhibition hall is nothing but to improve the quality of the convention and exhibition hall which is considered unable to optimize the existence of this building. The purpose of elevating the high-tech concept is to extend the life of the building so that it can continue to exist and can be used with the right function. The plan to groundbreaking this building has also been discussed since early 2020, but there are no signs of realizing it. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta