Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Ramah Anak di Kota Salatiga
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Zahro, Tsabita Fiiki Kamilatun
, Indrawati, S.T.,M.T.
NA Architecture 
2022-08-09 01:03:44 
Abstract :
Dental and oral health is a fundamental problem in the body?s health that is often ignored by some people. In fact, teeth and mouth are the entry point for bacteria and germs that can affect the health of other body organs. Dental and oral problems are often complained of because the pain can be uncomfortable and can affect the quality of life such as sleep and eating disorders, lower self-confidence, interfere with performance in carrying out activities and other health problems. There needs to ben awareness from an early age about the importance of maintaining dental and oral health. One way to keep the teeth and mouth healthy is to regularly check to the dentist. However, there are still obstacles when dealing with pediatric patients who are often afraid or anxious when checking their dental and oral health at the hospital. Therefore, a child?friendly dental and oral hospital was designed in Salatiga City. The purpose of the design of this Dental and Oral Hospital is to create a space that can meet the needs of users, especially by paying attention to the characteristics of children. The result of the design is the creation of a Dental and Oral Hospital in Salatiga City that is friendly for children, namely adjusting the character of children and paying attention to 4 principles of child protection (non-discrimination, best interests for children, right to life, survival and development as well as respect for children's opinions). 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta