Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Dokter Gigi Dan Pasien Anak Dalam Kelancaran Pemeriksaan
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Umiatmarta, Oma Destya
, Rina Sari Kusuma, S.Sos., M.I.Kom
HE Communications 
2022-08-08 07:50:07 
Abstract :
Communication is an essential component of the pediatric dentist's role. Interpersonal communication between dentists and children is interesting to study considering that what doctors are facing is a child who certainly has different characteristics from adults, so the approach also requires different ways. This study aims to determine the process of interpersonal communication between dentists and pediatric patients and the obstacles they face used interpersonal communication self disclosure theory. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with three dentists as informants. Data were collected using interviews and observations, then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the interpersonal communication process between dentists and pediatric patients is carried out using a language approach and a psychological and family approach. The obstacles faced in interpersonal communication are the use of language by pediatric patients and the habit of the child's character which is not stable and often changes. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta