Redesain Terminal Kembang Joyo Kabupaten Pati
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Putri, Destiana
, Dr. Suryaning Setyowati, ST. MT
NA Architecture 
2022-08-09 01:40:59 
Abstract :
The transportation system is an important part of regional infrastructure. One of the elements in creating a good land transportation system to support regional infrastructure is the existence of a terminal. Terminal is an infrastructure for road transportation in the form of a base which is the center of managing the flow of arrivals and departures of public transportation. Pati Regency is located on the north coast route which is also the main route for land transportation between Java, so that Pati Regency has a strategic location as a public transportation route both locally and nationally. Pati Regency has one terminal, namely type C terminal which is located in Pati District. The location of the Kembang Joyo Terminal in the center of Pati city has several problems. The condition of the Kembang Joyo Terminal facilities is still inadequate and has not been able to meet the criteria for a representative terminal building, both in terms of space requirements or the lack of smooth terminal circulation. The problems found in the Kembang Joyo Terminal have a separate impact on terminal users. Additional plans need to be made in order to prepare future plans so that people are more interested in using public transportation facilities and infrastructure. So with this plan, it is hoped that Kembang Joyo Terminal can become a central terminal in Pati Regency and can improve various aspect of the potential that exists in Pati Regency. Keywords: terminal, development, facility 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta