Analisis Distori Harmonisa Akibat Penggunaan Beban Non Linier dan Studi Perancangan Filter Pasif Harmonisa Di PT.Bumi Suksesindo Menggunakan Software ETAP 12.6
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Ardiansyah, Ramadhan
, Umar, S.T., M.T
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering 
2022-08-09 02:24:18 
Abstract :
Harmonics in electricity are distortions in an electrical installation or a disturbance in the distribution of electricity. Real waves are the combination of ideal waves and harmonic waves. Waves that have only one fundamental frequency are characteristic of ideal voltage and current waves that do not contain harmonics. Poor power quality in utilities or in industrial electric power systems can be caused by non-linear loads, the waveforms of voltage and current being different. The research conducted is the analysis of harmonic distortion in the distribution system at the PT site. Bumi Suksesindo and the design of passive harmonic filters to improve the harmonics of a system to comply with the IEEE 519 standard. The research began by observing and taking the data needed at PT. Bumi Suksesindo. The research was continued by making a system model in ETAP 12.6 software. The model is simulated by harmonic analysis, the results of which need to be observed and analyzed. The result is that the system has harmonic distortion with a THDv value of 8,81% and a THDi of 6.37%. Designing harmonic filters to correct non-conforming parts. Installing a filter can reduce the value of the harmonics on the MCC HLP bus. This bus experienced a decrease in THDv of 8,23% from the value of 8,81% to 0.58%, while the THDi value decreased by 0,97% from the value of 6.37% to 5.4%. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta