Analisis Risiko Keselamatan Kerja Pada Petani Penyemprot Pestisida Di Kelurahan Tirtomoyo Kecamatan Tirtomoyo Kabupaten Wonogiri
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Widyaningrum, Faninda
, Sri Darnoto S.KM M.PH
RA Public aspects of medicine 
2022-08-10 04:38:13 
Abstract :
The number of opportunities that exist in the agricultural sector, of course, the more workers and the more complex the methods or technology used will increase the risk of occupational diseases or work-related accidents. The purpose of this study was to analyze the safety risks of pesticide spraying farmers in Tirtomoyo Village. This research is a descriptive study that uses a semi-qualitative method with an observational approach. The research instrument for assessing the type of work risk uses the Australia/New Zealand AS/NZS 4360:2004 dstandardf dtable,f dthenf dtof didentifyf dhazardsf datf deachf dstagef doff dthef dworkf dusingf dthef dJSAf d(Jobf dSafetyf dAnalysis)f df dmethodf dandf dtof dcollectf dinformationf dfromf dworkersf dusingf dthef dinterviewf dmethod.f dThef dresultsf dshowedf dthatf dthef occupational safety risks contained in the spraying of pesticides were analysis and risk assessment obtained from the field, obtained as many as 13 risks including 8 risks into the High category (61.5%), 5 risks into the Low category (38.5%). The conclusion is the highest risk in the preparation process with the working method of mixing with the identification of the dangers of stirring pesticides by hand and farmers not using complete personal protective equipment. Exposure to pesticides can enter the farmer's body through the eyes, breath, and skin 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta