Pengembangan Taman Sekartaji Surakarta Sebagai Pusat Edukasi Ekowisata Terpadu
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Amira, Sonia Tasyabaha
, Dr. Suryaning Setrowati, S.T, M.T
NA Architecture 
2022-08-09 04:30:43 
Abstract :
In the context of recovering the tourism sector after the pandemic, the Surakarta City Government encourages natural tourism activities as an alternative to outdoor interaction activities and as a means of educating insight into the natural environment. Sekartaji Park is included in the category of green open space and protected areas which can be an alternative choice for natural tourism. The condition of the environmental quality of Sekartaji Park is currently mostly stagnant and not well maintained. This study aims to produce a concept for the development of the Surakarta Sekartaji Park with an ecotourism education approach through exploring the potential of the park by planning and designing a park area. The result of this design is a schematic garden design with a zoning concept which is divided into five segments. The main carrying capacity of this park is the existence of ecoparian as a supporter of ecotourism activities. The development of edu?ecotourism in terms of culture is planning the mass of buildings in the style of vernacular architecture by adopting local architecture. Ecotourism activities are expected to be able to advance the quality of the natural and cultural environment, provide new insights and perspectives related to environmental issues, and become a solution for post-pandemic economic recovery for local communities, regions, and the Surakarta City government. Keywords: edu-ecotourism, ecoparian, Sekartaji Park 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta