Perencanaan Kawasan Remote Resort di Pulau Nusakambangan Dengan Pendekatan Permakultur
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Prasanti, Rahmadhita Widya
, Dr. Ir. Dhani Mutiari, MT
NA Architecture 
2022-08-09 07:44:39 
Abstract :
The Regional Original Income (ROI) of Cilacap Regency, which also includes Regional Retribution, contribute to the smallest figure of the total Government Revenue. This is because the tourism sector, which is also a contributing sector to the Regional Retribution in Cilacap Regency, has not been maximized. The trend of tourism activities in Cilacap Regency often experiences fluctuations because the existing tourism choices tend to be monotonous, as well as tourism potential that has not been utilized optimally. One of the tourism potential is on Nusakambangan Island. The tourism potential on Nusakambangan Island is currently divided into two areas, the tourism potential in the Segara Anakan Area and the tourism potential within the island. Access to the island that can only be reached by water transportation, making this potential can be developed as a remote resort area with a permaculture approach. The remote resort concept was chosen because of the location of Nusakambangan Island, which is in a 'remote area' or an area that is hard to reach. Meanwhile, the permaculture approach was chosen because food independence can be fulfilled through a permaculture system, not only for the area to be developed as a remote resort location, but even for the entire island. The permaculture approach that will then be applied to the area in the form of zoning in accordance with the principle of the permaculture zone, namely Zone I-V, which is Zone I-II intended for residences and supporting buildings, Zone III-IV for rice fields and livestock areas and Zone V for conservation areas. As well as the planning of this remote resort area also pays attention to the rules of permaculture design that focuses on nature and human nature, so that the planning carried out now can have a positive impact on the present and the future. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta