Perancangan Coworking Space Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis Di Semarang
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Inas, Seruni
, Ir. Nurhasan, MT
NA Architecture 
2022-08-10 01:35:55 
Abstract :
Co-working space is a workspace concept that can be used together with start-ups or other companies. This coworking space is located in Semarang, where it is the fifth metropolitan city in Indonesia. Being one of the metropolitan cities must also have an impact on the population where the demands of living there are higher than those living in the village, therefore metropolitan residents work harder to fulfill their lives. Working too hard also causes stress to workers, as WHO has said in 2017 about 450 million people in the world experience stress. In Indonesia, it is recorded that around 10% of the total population of Indonesia experiences stress. In Central Java, there were 704,000 people experiencing mental disorders, and of that number, around 96,000 people experienced insanity and 608,000 people experienced stress. Stress due to work is a problem that is recognized worldwide and affects the organization (Setiawan, 2019). Another phenomenon is that the development of startups in Semarang itself is very slow, compared to Solo, Semarang is much less, even though Semarang is the capital city of Central Java. This has motivated the government to develop the creation of startups in the city of Semarang. With the Coworking space in Semarang City, it can accommodate workers who want to do office tasks, with a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere with the use of tropical architectural concepts which will make the atmosphere more integrated with nature and not tense so they can think clearly again. In addition, it also accommodates startups that are being developed by the Semarang City Government. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta