Taman Penitipan Anak dan Kelompok Bermain dengan Pendekatan Perilaku di Kartasura
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Muhammad, Johan Maulana
, Dr.Ir.Dhani Mutiari,MT.
NA Architecture 
2022-08-12 02:34:47 
Abstract :
Kartasura Subdistrict itself is a strategic transportation node because it connects the cities of Surabaya, Surakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta. So that Kartasura is known as a transit area, and as a Center for Local Activities (PKL). So that the District has an unequal distribution of population, causing an imbalance between the population and the carrying capacity of the environment which can cause problems for the provision of facilities and infrastructure for the community (BPS Kartasura District, 2020) Kartasura itself has many dense residential areas and has the availability of resources such as many industrial and service trade areas, but the lack of infrastructure, infrastructure, and transportation routes, especially PAUD. According to BPS Kartasura District itself has 147 PAUD with a total of 9 TPA (Child Care Park ) and 42 Playgroups. While the population in Kartasura consists of the number of dependent population groups aged 0-4 years as many as 7234 people and ages 5-9 years as many as 8517 people. So it is necessary to increase the need and quality of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Kartasura. The design of the establishment of PAUD and child care with a behavioral approach that focuses on the space and form of the building period aims to provide child-friendly learning and play space. The concept of child-friendly behavior aims to adjust the physical size of the body (Anthropometry) of children aged 0-6 years, increase children's sensitivity to social, emotional and child behavior with the form of building design, application of behavioral concepts in the design of the building to be designed is to use the concept of organic architecture that can provide fun and freedom for children in imagining about describing space and shape in building designs. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta