Inclusive School of Yogyakarta with Universal Design and Multi-Sensory Approach
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Hidayatullah, Arif
, Ir. Alpha Febela Priyatmono, M.T.
Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) 
2024-08-16 03:55:37 
Abstract :
The design of inclusive high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, emphasizes the principles of Universal Design (UD) and the Multi-Sensory Architecture approach to create a safe, comfortable, and inclusive learning environment for all children. With a focus on Global Goal 4.8, this design aims to build educational facilities that are sensitive to the needs of children with disabilities, while also providing an environment that promotes equality and fair learning opportunities. Through data analysis and literature review, this design identifies challenges in supporting educational inclusion in Indonesia, particularly at the secondary level. It is found that the participation of children with disabilities in secondary education is still low, highlighting the need for increased accessibility and equality in the educational environment. Design limitations set parameters for the design, including the selection of a location that complies with national standards and local government regulations, as well as the integration of UD principles and the Multi-Sensory Architecture approach. This is intended to create spaces that are friendly to all users, taking into account diverse sensory, physical, and mental needs. This design provides an overview of how an inclusive school can be designed in accordance with applicable national standards, while also considering the specific needs of children with disabilities. UD principles, such as equitable use, flexibility in use, and perceptible information, as well as the Multi-Sensory Architecture approach, which considers all senses, serve as the main foundation for spatial and building design. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta