Penilaian Mahasiswa Keperawatan Terhadap Kompetensi Pasien Simulasi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Setyawan, Dian
, Enita Dewi, S.Kep., Ns., MN
RT Nursing 
2018-02-09 09:20:36 
Abstract :
NURSING STUDENTS’ VIEWS ON STANDARDISED PATIENTS’ (SPs) ABILITY IN OSCA Dian Setyawan*, Enita Dewi** ABSTRACT Background: Objective structured clinical assessment (OSCA) is conducted to evaluate learning outcomes based on the competence and clinical skills of the students in an objective and structured way. OSCA uses standardised patient’s (SPs) assistance to fit the conditions in the clinic, so that students are able to practice and feel as if performing a true clinical skill. Standardised patient’s play an important role in the implementation of OSCA, which helps achieve the competence of professional nursing students. The standardised patient’s competence is the standardised patient’s ability to truly appreciate his role and master the scenario. So that the standardised patient’s is enough to help the students in digging the history of the disease and make a proper nursing diagnosis, and can influence the student in doing the procedure and respond. This study aims to determine the description of nursing students' assessment of the standardised patient’s competence. Method: This research is descriptive research using cross sectional approach. The population of this research is nursing students of third semester at Faculty of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, amounting to 129 students. Sample of research as many as 56 students obtained by simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires created by researchers who have been in validity and reliable, while data analysis using quantitative descriptive test. Result: assessment of nursing students to standardised patient’s who have received training before the OSCA examination that gave good ratings as many as 34 students with percentage (60.7%), and bad appraisal as many as 22 students with percentage (39.3%). Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is nursing students to assess the competence of standardised patient’s with good category. Most of the standardised patient’s have been able to act optimally and master the given scenario. However, there are still some students who provide a poor assessment of the standardised patient’s appearance in terms of actions and responses to students. Repeated training or training is required for standardised patient’s to fully appreciate their role and master the scenario so as to be helpful in exploring the history of the disease and determining the response that may be needed. Keywords: Evaluation, Competence of Standardised Patient’s, OSCA Nursing 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta